Why to get Mortgage Pre-Approved?

If you are planning to buy a house, it is always a good idea to get your mortgage pre-approved. Why? Here are the answers- 1. It will help you determine your financial ability to buy a house. You know your affordability. Also, after shopping around you can get the best mortgage rates with other best terms and conditions. 2. Also, if you have a pre-approved mortgage, your will stand a better chance of getting your offer accepted. At times, sellers are interested in dealing with…

Coloring Competition based on life of Sikh Guru’s

                 Waheguru Ji Da Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Di Fateh On the auspicious occasion of Parkash Utsav of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, a coloring competition for kidsbased on the life of Sikh Guru’s will be held at Halton Gurdwara Sahib (Oakville Gurudwara) Date: November 2nd, 2014 Venue: 2403 Khalsa Gate, Oakville, ON L6M 4 J2 Time: 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM Topic- Creative Arts- Coloring Competition based on life of Sikh Guru’s Age group: 6-12 years All the parents…

What is a Buyer Representation Agreement and Its Importance?

Buyer Representation Agreement (B.R.A) is an agreement that defines the nature of the relationship between a buyer and the brokerage. When you are buying your home, a real estate broker or salesperson may/will ask you to sign a representation agreement. Just as sellers sign a listing agreement with their selling agent, buyers sign B.RA to protect their interests. Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO), which is a public agency formed to protect the interest of the consumers mandates the realtors to sign the agreement to…