As winter is here, house hunting will not be a thing seen around happening commonly.
“People focus on the holidays,” says Julie Reynolds, vice president at, the official website of the National Association of Realtors. “In November, December and January — even October — the bulk of the activity dies down. It may not become dormant like a lot of trees, but it definitely slows.”
But sure, there is something out there for sellers to look out for.
The traditional home buying season has run in lockstep with school calendars, Reynolds says, because parents seek to relocate with minimal impact on their children. This has meant that late in the school year through summer is the peak buying and moving season.
Doing the house hunting in winter season and can really bring good bargains for homebuyers. Just as sellers benefit hugely from warm weather, winter season is boon for home buyers.
“A serious buyer who has flexibility in their lifestyle or is not moving because of a job that has a firm start date or doesn’t have a very specific reason for why they are entering the market can definitely have a nice advantage, due to the pure economics of supply and demand,” Reynolds says. Physical environment like snow everywhere, slushy and icy roads can really deter someone from buying a house in this odd weather but ignore these if possible. You can make a hit if you look past these detrimental factors.
There is a lot that an interior of the house has to offer to a home buyer. Fire place with some light, soothing music and some nice smelling flowers can blow anyone away.
This is also an excellent opportunity for buyers to know about the conditions of the heating system as its own. The warmth, coziness of the house can talk about the state of the heating system. Also its an opportunity to know if there are cold or damp areas in the house.
You really want to have realistic view of a house; winter is the best time to know the actual state of a house. A well maintained house will have no clutter, garage, cold storage and other places properly organized that will give you an idea of spacing in that house.
But buyers, be reminded of certain facts. Never make any decision in rush. “A lot of sellers will bake cookies or have hot apple cider on the stove with cinnamon and nutmeg in it,” Reynolds says. “Those kinds of winter smells are going to be very pleasing.”
A caveat, however, is that while winter can be a boon to buyers in most parts of the country, it can work The seasonal impact on home sales is evolving. And according to Reynolds, mobile technology is turning house hunting into more of a year-round process.
As realtors are active throughout the year, they are always sending latest listings to their potential clients throughout the year. Dear buyers, your dream home might just be a click away. Don’t limit yourself due to cold weather. This season can be blessing in disguise for you. Believe me, I bought my first home in chilly winter season. And I have no regrets!!!